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来源:Hellokid在线英语2020-05-11 19:44:34


  1. Take care of yourself.


  Your relationship with yourself is the closest and most important relationship you will ever have. If you don’t take good care of yourself, then you can’t take good care of others either; which is why taking care of yourself is the best selfish thing you can do.

  翻译: 你和自己 亲近,是你所有关系中的重心。如果照顾不好自己,也就谈不上照顾好别人,这就是为什么说照顾好自己是你能做的 好的利己之事。

  2. Do what you know is right, for YOU.


  Don’t be scared to walk alone, and don’t be scared to like it. Don’t let anyone’s ignorance, drama, or negativity stop you from being the best you can be. Keep doing what you know in your heart is right, for you. Because when you are totally at peace within yourself, nothing can shake you.

  翻译: 不要害怕独行,不要因喜欢独行而害怕。不要让任何人的无知、恶搞或消极成为你达到巅峰的障碍。为了自己,坚持做你内心深处认为正确的事情。因为当你内心完全处于平和状态时,没有什么能让你动摇。

  3. Follow your own unique path.


  Every new day is a chance to change your life. Work on making life all that you want it to be. Work hard for what you believe, and keep your dreams big and your worries small. You never need to carry more than you can hold; just take it one day at a time. And while you’re out there making decisions instead of excuses, learning new things, and getting closer and closer to your goals, you should know that there are others out there, like me, who admire your efforts and are striving for greatness too.

  翻译: 新一天的到来为改变你的生活提供了契机。努力让生活之路朝着你所希望的方向延伸。为信仰辛勤工作,梦想远大思想放松。你永远不需要超负载工作,每天只需做力所能及的事。当你下定决心,而不是找借口时,当你学习新事物,且离目标越来越近时,你要知道,像我一样敬重你、并同样在追求卓越的人大有人在。

  4. Lock yourself away from the world and work on your goals.


  Dream big dreams, but realize that short term, realistic goals are the key to success. Success is directly connected with daily action. The way we spend our time defines who we are. Successful people keep moving, by doing small things every day that bring them a couple steps closer to their dream. They make mistakes along the way, but they don’t quit – they learn and press on.

  翻译: 拥有很大的梦想,但要意识到切合实际的短期目标才是通向成功的关键。成功与日常工作密切相关。我们利用时间的方式也就决定了我们的未来。不积跬步无以至千里,成功的人不断前行,一步一步成就他们的梦想。他们犯了错误不退却,而是总结经验鞭策自己。

  5. Adjust your goals and dreams as life changes.


  A great deal of pain in life comes from having a specific dream that you’ve fallen in love with, and when it doesn’t work out exactly as planned, you become angry that you now have to pursue a different path. If you want to tame your inner demons and make the most of life, you must not become rigidly attached to just one specific dream, and remain open to there being an even better, equally as happy path ahead. Life is unpredictable, but it provides plenty of opportunities to make dreams come true. Just don’t forget that sometimes taking a positive step forward requires you to slightly adjust your dreams, or plan new ones – it’s OK to change your mind or have more than one dream.

  翻译: 生活中的很多痛苦来自于拥有一个明确的、让你无法自拔的梦想,当梦想不能如期实现时,你会感到气恼,不得不再去寻求另一种途径以期实现梦想。如果想让自己心平气和地过好每一天,你绝对不能固守一个特定的梦想,要向更美好的梦想敞开胸怀,正可谓幸福之路就在脚下。生活不可预知,但它却提供各种机遇,使你梦想成真。别忘记,有时对梦想略做些调整或构思一些新梦想,是向前迈出积极一步的必要条件——改变想法或拥有不只一个梦想不是件坏事情。











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