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语篇的定义(Definition of Text)

来源:Hellokid在线英语2020-05-11 19:44:34

   语篇的定义(Definition of Text)

  (Text一1. a book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content
  rather than its physical form(语篇):a text which explores pain and grief. 2. a piece
  of written or printed material regarded as conve如ng the authentic or primary form of
  a particular work(原文):the text of the lecture was available on request. 3. written
  or printed words, typically forming a connected piece of work(文本):stylistic fea-
  ture of journalist text. 4. the main body of a book or other piece of writing, as dis-
  tinct from other material such as notes, appendices, and illustrations(正文):too
  much text and too few pictures in this book.
  一The New Oxford Dictionary of English (2001)
  英国语盲学家R. Quirk等在《英语语法大全》中,对语篇的概念进行过分析和解释。
  A text-unlike a sentence一is not a grammatical unit but rather a semantic and prag-
  static unit. It is a stretch of language which seems appropriately coherent in actual
  use. That is, the text "cohere" in real world context,semantically and pragmatical-
  ly. and it is also internally or linguistically coherent.
  -A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language(1985)
  在《文体学词典》中,英国文体学家Katie Wale、不但详细探讨了语篇的概念.而且还对有关语篇的研究进行了评述。她认为:
  A text is commonly used to refer to a sequential collection of sentences or utterances
  which form a unity by reason of their linguistic cohesion and semantic coherence,
  such as a recipe. poem or sermon. However, it is possible for a text to consist of on-
  ly one sentence or utterance, e. g. a notice or road-sign(Exit;Stop),which is se-
  mantically complete in itself, and pragmatically tied to a specific situation.
  -A Dictionary of Stylistics(1989)
  语篇可长可短。在多数情况下,语篇一般是由许多句子、语段、甚至章节组成的有机整体,如小说、论文、辞典、百科全书等。但有时,一个句子或短语,甚至一个词,都可以构成一个意义完整并能实现特定语用意图的语篇.像“DANGER!-, -ENTRANCE","Men's","No Smoking! ","Think before you leap","Vantage, the taste of success","Goodtaste, Kent style.”这样的标语、广告、便条、告示或谚语。虽然只有只言片语或一两句话,但在一定的语境中却是意义很完整的语篇。









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