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来源:Hellokid在线英语2020-05-11 19:44:34


English is the language of international communication

Nowadays, the number of transnational corporations in China is increasing and China's foreign trade is more and more frequent. And there are 70 countries in the world today will English as the official language, 80% of the world's science and technology information communication in English, 95% said the Internet web sites in English, it is laid the irreplaceable of English language communication. The country wants to develop, education should go first, the nature of competition in today's world is the talent competition, the university is the base that fosters talent. Students before enter colleges and universities in China are learning English 6-10 years will continue to study in college English school year, spend a lot of time and energy to learn English, but English communication ability is still quite scarce. Today on behalf of the latest science and technology development trend and advanced research articles report the use of language are English, international conference on the use of language is English, this will force we have to reform English learning mode. Some peo say that my English is not enough, can through the translation version of the frontier of science and technology and foreign latest information, but due to the cultural background, English translator and the translation process the time required for factors such as limit, translated articles can not be rapid, accurate information. Therefore, it is an important task in the teaching process to improve the foreign language ability of college students.
现在,跨国公司在中国的数量在增加,中国的对外贸易也越来越频繁。今天世界上有70个国家将英语作为官方语言,80%的世界科技信息交流在使用英语,95%的人在互联网网站用的是英语,这代表英语是对外语言交流中是不可替代的。国家要发展,教育要先行,当今世界竞争的性质是人才竞争,大学是培养人才的基础。在中国高校学习的学生都学习了6--10年的英语,都将继续在大学学习英语,花大量的时间和精力学习英语,但是英语的沟通能力仍然很有限。今天,代表 新科技发展趋势和先进的研究文章报告使用的语言都是英语,国际会议使用的语言也是是英语,这将迫使我们不得不改革英语学习模式。有人说即使英语水平不够,也可以通过翻译工具了解的前沿科技和外国 新信息,但是很多英语翻译和翻译过程所需要的时间等因素都成为了限制,翻译文章不能快速、准确的传递信息。因此,提高大学生外语能力是教学过程中的一项重要任务。
The purpose of bilingual education
The United States, Canada, Singapore and other countries have achieved certain achievements in bilingual teaching, and the main purpose of bilingual teaching is very different from that in China. Their immentation of bilingual education is determined by their basic national conditions. In order to make the most of their residents belong to immigration but immigration can be rapidly integrated into the mainstream society, maintain social stability and promote national unity, reduce social discrimination, thus carry out the bilingual teaching, bilingual teaching mainly from the political point of view. Teaching goal is the starting point and destination of teaching system construction, which is the standard and basis for curriculum setting, content selection, teaching immentation and evaluation. Bilingual teaching in China is put forward in the lack of high-quality talents in the field of foreign language environment, ' ', purpose is through this kind of teaching activity not only learn the professional knowledge but also master the foreign advanced idea and the fusion of Chinese and western culture and technology ability, elaborates the concrete should be from the following three aspects: (1) academic goal: bilingual teaching is the most fundamental purpose is to master professional knowledge, understand the professional front. In the process of bilingual teaching, the acquisition of professional knowledge is not based on Chinese as a language tool, but as a language tool for classroom teaching, learning professional knowledge through foreign language. Due to the differences between foreign language thinking and Chinese thinking, it can broaden students' horizons by taking advantage of foreign language learning expertise to learn the major from the new perspective. At the same time, the improvement of foreign language level also helps students master advanced western technology and scientific and technological ideas.
美国、加拿大、新加坡等国在双语教学方面取得了一定的成绩,双语教学的主要目的与中国不同。他们的双语教育的实施是由他们的基本国情决定的。他们大部分居民属于移民,为了使移民可以迅速融入主流社会,保持社会稳定,促进民族团结,减少社会歧视,因此他们实施双语教学,主要从政治角度进行双语教学。教学目标是教学体系建设的起点和终点,是课程设置、内容选择、教学实施和评价的标准和基础。提出了双语教学在中国领域的高素质人才缺乏的外语环境中,“,目的是通过这种教学活动不仅学习专业知识,而且掌握了国外先进理念和中西文化的融合和技术能力,阐述了混凝土应该从以下三个方面:(1)学术目标:双语教学是 基本的目的是掌握专业知识,了解专业的前面。在双语教学过程中,专业知识的获取不是以汉语作为语言工具,而是作为课堂教学的语言工具,通过外语学习专业知识。由于外语思维和中国思维的差异,通过利用外语学习专业知识从新的角度来学习,可以拓宽学生的视野。同时,提高外语水平也有助于学生掌握先进的西方技术和科学技术思想。
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